This was made using the Men of War Assault Squad 2 Star Wars Galaxy at War mod battle simulator.

While it's now fifteen years old, Star Wars: Empire At War remains the definitive Star Wars strategy game, and was created by veterans of the Command & Conquer franchise.It's also home to one of the more ambitious mods out there, which doesn't just add a single bounty hunter like most The Mandalorian mods, it adds a whole Mandalorian faction to the game. 1 instead 2! Add file Star Wars - Galaxy at War(Official Missions) Location Games: Men of War: Assault Squad 2: Mods: Star Wars - Galaxy At War(Official Missions): Files.

if you have seen any images of them then thats prop an addon from moddb or steam, Did you guys added First Order and resistance ? To browse all available 's definitely Men of War A.S. We suggest you try the article list with no filter applied, to browse all available. have now a proper translation), - new maps (+ overhaul of all sw multiplayer maps), - new turrets (+ Rebel DF9 turret, Rebel Medium Tower, Gi-19 turret), - new weapons- general fixes (+ broken assets have been either fixed or removed), - fixes for Spanish Warriors Missions* (+ they now contain the proper text files), - Weapon Balance Overhaul (we basically re-balanced all existing weapons to be more balanced for multiplayer, those changes are going to translate over to missions and general editor gameplay)- new multiplayer mechanics (+ the technician can place turrets and cover, the officer can place a supply droid). Sonne2 - For awesome help and game scripting! You need to sign in or create an account to do that.